Hello friends!
Holy crap! Did I seriously just NOW wake up. Ugh... I thought I was over this sick thing!
Well since I got such a LATE start. Why don't I present both listings now? I didn't think you would mind ;)
First off I have a super BRIGHT pair of my Tendril style earrings! They are long and sassy not to mention full of COLOR and texture!

Next I have a cute little set of Love, Peace and Flower Power beads! Did you notice I even used RED?! ;)

I made a pendant awhile back with these beads and totally loved the way it turned out. I had totally meant to make more, but I seemed to have run out of the cute little bells I used!

I was going to share some more pictures of my garden and tomato mile with you all, but my camera battery died yesterday. I spent the time I would have been photographing pulling out the tomatoes "suckers" and tying them up to their wire fence so they vine. I also weeded. I am so excited all of my little darlings are getting flowers and veggies.
So as far as my new design update.... Since I have been ill I have not gotten more beads made for my new line. It looks like I will have to postpone it's release a bit longer to get a few more things made before introducing them. It will totally be worth the wait!
Ok well, I better get going. I am going to try and do some catching up from the week to get things all squared away before the weekend.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Much love,
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