Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads) 2011 by Parigo Studios 2010

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New items up and chatter

*whew* well I got my Picasa problem ironed out. I got many questions about it from friends the other day. Picasa is a free photo editing program by Google. So I checked out their site for help and found out that my problem was infact a glitch. I just had to uninstall and reinstall to fix the problem so we are all good there.

I got my new listings up today on both sites ;)

I also got a Malware warning from my virus scan when I was uploading pictures on Etsy and Artfire! Malware is somehow related to Spyware, which if you don't know, is BAD, BAD, BAD for your computer! I was kinda freaked cause this gray window popped up to warn me and I was worried it was a fake that would actually dl the file to my computer(do you believe they have virii like that out there?!). It turns out it was infact my virus scan and it blocked the connection. I contacted Etsy and Artfire right away to let them know so that hopefully it will protect other people! I would seriously DIE if my computer crashed!

Well I suppose I should get to it.... I am off to go make beads ;)

Have a good day!

Much love,



Unknown said...

Genea, we're sorry you had problems while accessing our site at I wanted to assure you that we don't have malware on our site, but rather it was an issue with the antivirus software you use. Our Vice-President spoke with the antivirus company that was creating these issues. They informed him that they had incorrectly updated their software which created a false positive with our currency converter. Please know we appreciate you & work hard to ensure no malware sneaks onto your system from our site. Thanks!

Third Eye Gypsy said...

Thank you Tina,

This was in no way meant to say that Artfire or Etsy were passing out Malware. It was just something that happened to me and I wanted to warn others. Thank you for getting back with me about this issue. I am happy to hear that it was just a mess up with my anti-virus soft ware.

Much love,


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