Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads) 2011 by Parigo Studios 2010

Friday, April 17, 2009

Color study

Hello Friends,

Well here is the long awaited color notes I had for you. Some of the pictures are a little dark due to the buzziness of Keylime green in photos, so I apologize for that.

My first piece of advice for you is NEVER JUDGE A ROD BY IT'S COLOR. As you can see from the picture above the Poppy looks one color in rod form and changes when worked. This is a really AMAZING colored glass. It fits along the lines of those amazing odd lot Corals. The lentil on the right is what the Poppy looks like unstruck. It was also pressed in a brass mold which does alter the color due to the rapid cooling of the glass. I chose to leave this bead the color it was to not disrupt the EDP dots on the surface. As you may know EDP is VERY picky about it's temperature. I could have gone to re-strike the Poppy, but doing so would have made the EDP all chalky white. The bead on the left is just a simple spacer with lime dots. When I make spacer beads I tend to make them at least 5 on a mandrel. As you may know the glass cools as you make the other spacers. Then as you work the other spacers and dots they get radiant heat when you make the other beads.In this next photo you can see that lentil I posted in a blog awhile back. That lentil is actually Light Aqua encased in Yellow Green with Purple stringer(why didn't I tell you the name? I forgot which one I used! ;) With the bead laying flat on a white surface you can't really see all of the color variation like you could if you hold it up into the light. Believe it or not, I used the very same color combo for the Raked daisy bead above! Isn't it interesting that the purple stringer can influence the over all color appearance of the bead?Ah and this picture... I do apologize for the darkness of this pic( the green base is actually REALLY pretty, but doesn't appear that way due to the dark photo). Ok so the lentil on the bottom is an opaque green with transparent green over the top. The important detail I want to talk with you about is the surface dots. The dots are Grumpy bear with Cranberry on top of that and then dots of Poppy. Hmm... The dots aren't really purple pink are they? I am not totally sure why the Cranberry didn't change the color like I wanted. I am thinking that in such small amounts the Cranberry isn't as strongly saturated as it is in rosecane form or when used in a bead.

Now if you will direct your attention to the cone bead on the top you will notice the pretty purply pink rose cane lines that run along it's base. This rose cane is also Grumpy bear with 2 layers of Cranberry on top. Notice how much more saturated the color is when left raised. Very interesting huh?

This also brings me to another point. While making that green lentil above I noticed that when you layer colors with opaques and transparents and squish them into a lentil they don't always look as pretty as if you used that very same color combo in a round bead. It seem like the extra thickness also influences the color.

If you look at this bead. I have used the same colors for the base as I did with the green lentil above. The color is just more pleasing round than it is flat(besides the darkness of the picture!!). Notice how much depth the suckers also have being raised?

Well I hope you have enjoyed learning as many things from my lampworking session as I did ;)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Much love,



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