Look what I got from my friend Ronnie! He always picks such wonderful gifts!
Head phones and turn table pillow cases! Now I can listen to phat beats in my sleep! :D
Head phones and turn table pillow cases! Now I can listen to phat beats in my sleep! :D

If you don't already know I am OBSESSED with anything Cheshire catish! My friend Ronnie thought this was a fleecy throw, but I guess it's like a wrap or something? It has strings on either corner of the top and at the end it has poof balls. I guess you tie them? Pretty sweet huh?! I love the print on it :D

I wish I had a picture of the front of Martin's house. It was so beautiful when we pulled up. They had lights around all of the trees in their front yard, those light up reindeer, and these really pretty snowflake lights that hung in the point of their roof. Soo pretty. When you came inside they had a huge tree lit with lots of pretty round glass ornaments and the mantle was decorated with garland and lights. It was very nice to sit in their front room and engage in nice conversation. I told him we needed to have a party next year so all of us could get together and share food, wine and good company :D
I hope everyone has a blessed holiday and that they are able to share it with people they love.
Much love,