So today I was amazed by the beauty that surrounds us. My first encounter was the orange thing that I could see growing in my yard from my studio window. You know how curiosity is... I had to go inspect this bright orange plant growing in my yard.
I have no idea what flower this is, but it was growing like crazy everywhere! It covered a good corner of my yard along with the white flowers below. No idea what those are either?
Later while I was in my studio this little guy was actually on the inside screen. I flicked him from the inside and he landed on the ground. I guess he really wanted to see me because he made his way back inside to the middle of the floor in the basement. I carefully scooped him up. I was hoping he wasn't poisonous. I mean it's not like I was going to eat him or anything so I figured he was safe to pick up. God love the internet for being a plethora of information. This little guy is a Giant Leopard Moth