I just got another package from Kathy today. Her packages always make me happy since they are always filled with glass and other wonderful things :D
I do love ALL mail so feel free to send me stuff anytime :D:D:D

Here is a picture of the glass that Kathy sent me. From left to right new CiM colors Evil Queen, Crocus, and Marshmellow. Oops, she sent me some Black Currant Unique as well, but I forgot to grab it for the picture! The brownish colored glass is by a German company called Reichenbach. It is called Iris Orange or what everyone else calls RAKU(Borrowed from Raku pottery which is also amazingly beautiful)!! Don't be fooled by it's drab appearance. This glass is heat changing glass. By repeatedly heating and cooling the glass it makes a myriad of amazing colors!

Along with the glass that Kathy sent she also sent me this super awesome Yixing Teapot!

Here is a link to some pages I found about it.
http://www.teatalk.com/china/articleo.htm This link tells you about the teapot's history.
http://www.ehow.com/how_2051548_brew-tea-yixing-tea-pot.htmlThis link tells you how to kind of "season" your teapot.
It's a crazy world this tea brewing culture! Who knew there were so many specifics? Anyhow, I am really excited to use my new teapot!
I went out with mom today to do some clearance shopping at Target. Mom got some new things and I just window shopped.
We also went to one of our local bead stores and she treated me to some beads for a project on which I am working. I will upload some pics when I am done.
Well I better get going so I can pick out what beads I am going to use for my special *secret* project.
I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Much love,