Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads) 2011 by Parigo Studios 2010

Saturday, April 6, 2013

A quick hello from the iPad

Hello friends! Just a quick hello from the iPad. I think this is my first iPad post. So it won't be anything too fancy. As you may have noticed I didn't get to listings like I thought I would. I did get the ivory urchins listed here

And I restocked the desert serpent lentils here

I have a few more things to relist and a few new things, but those will have to wait til I can tend to them later.

I had a great time at my first yoga class in about 9 years. I went on Thursday night at the 7pm class. I had wanted to go this morning to the 
10am, but I ended up ridding into KC with Ricky! I am pretty excited to spend the day here with friends and then meet up with Ricky after work. A much 
Better way to spend the Saturday than busying myself at the apartment ;)

Well I am off to ring my friend and get him out of bed so I have someone to entertain me>:D

See you soon! 

Xo Genea


somethingunique said...

I find it kinda hard from the iPad.....if u have google plus and take pics on your phone they upload to google plus and then u can add them to your post with the "add from phon" link....just make sure to set the settings on google plus to private ...for u only...I do that I find it a pain to blog from the iPad.....hope things all work out ya...xox

Third Eye Gypsy said...

Lana, Yeah, it's a bit difficult. You can't really connect text to hyper links very well. Hmmm I don't have a google plus account. Just too many places to have an account these days! lol. Yeah, pretty much. I just thought I would post a quick blog while I was waiting to connect with a friend yesterday. Me too! Thanks so much! Love ya too! xoxo

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