Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads) 2011 by Parigo Studios 2010

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Awesomeness of Pinterest and Gift Giving Ideas

Hello friends!

I thought you might like to benefit by something I figured out the other day. So this time a year you may be wondering what to get those special people on your gift giving list, right? Well the same went for my sister, Nina. She has asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I had to think about it for a second. I had NO idea?  I mean when I do spend money normally it's on business supplies and things like: glass rods, beads, business cards, packaging etc. I don't really do a ton of shopping lately(but I sure do love to go buy things! I even enjoy buying groceries and silly things like toiletries! So yeah I like the act of spending money on SOMETHING). She said mom had told her to check out my Etsy favorites, but she said most of what I liked sold. So I went to look through my favs and decided it would be a good idea to create a Pinterest board of some handmade items I would love to receive for Christmas! Genius, right?! 
Here is a screen shot of my board, but you can see the entire board by visiting here(just incase you wanted to be nosy and see what I liked. I always thing it's interesting to see what people like, personally ;)

You can create your board on Pinterest first. To add an pin to your board simple go on Etsy. Click on the item you like and in the right hand corner (by my black arrow) you will see a "pin it" button. Click on it and it will post it to your board. Be sure to choose the correct board when adding your pin. 

 So this is my great idea for you! It's so easy! So when people ask you what you want for Christmas you can just refer them to your board via Facebook, e-mail, twitter etc. The price is even on each item when you pin your item from Etsy to Pinterest! So your purchasers even know how much items are so they can shop in their budget! Oh and the even better part? Your purchaser doesn't even have to leave the house and fight crowds! They can click on the image on your board and it will magically whisk them away to the shop of the item. They click and purchase... DONE! Easy Christmas shopping for them, and an amazing gift you want from them! 

I hope you enjoyed my quick little tip!

What are you gifting people this year? What are you creating for handmade gifts this year?

xo Genea


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