Hello friends!
Geez I have so many blogs I wanted to write, but time seems to have gotten away from me. So instead of writing a novel and catching you up I will give you some snippets of what has been going on around here....
Ok so the kinda sorta most important things first... I will be going out of town from 11-8/ 11-15, but my Etsy shops will remain open for your shopping convenience. Yay! I am going to Coleman, Michigan with my friend Lisa to do some of her wedding planning for their wedding in June. I am SO excited to go to Michigan because I have never been there and it will be so wonderful to be by the great lakes again! I grew up in Racine, Wisconsin so I really miss seeing the lake at the horizon!
Tonight at midnight my blog for the Art Beads Love Tour chain giveaway will go up! So don't forget to check back! It will be going on for a week until I return so you have time to enter ;)
Ok on to the rest of the week...
My Moo cards finally came in the mail! Yay! They look so AMAZING! Here is a photo of my old cards and my new ones! Snazzy huh?!

I went to a few bead shows that came through town. One of which that I caught this time around was Rings & Things! I was super STOKED to pick up some of their amazing chain and niobium ear wires!

Oh and btw, they have INCREDIBLE customer service! It turns out my other set of niobium earwires didn't make it in my bag at check out. I didn't realize it until I got home. I called to find out what to do and they immediately got my info and had a package shipped to me the next day! Wow! I love companies with amazing service! Thank You Rings & Things, you ROCK!
I also attended the Bead Renaissance show. I am sad to say that the show has gotten so small :( There were very few art vendors left. One was Bokamo Designs(a local for us) and Ands Silver. Since I attend the Bokamo home show, I opted to pick up a few things from Ands Silver.

Ands silver had some wonderful copper so that is what I picked up! I also picked up my very first ammonite from one of the other vendors. It's so pretty! I really should shoot a close-up so you can see all of the details!

My package from Karen arrived! Her packages are always the BEST to open! So wonderfully wrapped with gobs of goodies! I even whipped up a bracelet with some of her flower connectors. I chose the colors of turning leaves along with one of her sweet leaf dangles and Lorelei's GORGEOUS new tin snippet toggles! I love how comfortable this bracelet is and it makes the most wonderful sound :D
I had Karen's package sitting on my bead table along with the Art Bead Love Tour beads I removed from the chain. The tear drops are Elaine Ray and the gear links are by Karen. I just LOVE these earrings! I was really excited they go with my necklace from Staci :D
I LOVE this necklace! I seriously wear it ALL the time! Perfect with my earrings huh?!
Now it's my time to be the proud daughter :) Mom had her first showing at Starbucks in Kansas City! This is the first time her paintings are up for sale! I took a shot of the wall and mom after I got her paintings hung on the wall. I will have a more complete blog on this next week ;)
So this is the perfect time of year to make these wonderful Wing Ding Wine charms! I just added these to my shop!
"Bright Earth" Wing Ding Wine Charms. After a night of drinks you don't have to check the lipstick on the rim of the glass to find your cup! Lol.
The charm in action. So pretty!
"Brights" Wing Ding Wine Charms-Maybe you like super BRIGHT SHINY things. If so, this is the perfect set for you!
OMG.. the world must surely be ending if *I* made RED beads! Lol, ok so not really, but I did make this bead with a gift in mind. I have gotten a really great response on them so I may be adding some to my shop. the top photo shows both beads shiny. On the left Opal Yellow serpent cane, on the right rainbow serpent cane. The bottom photo shows them both etched with shiny dots. They are SOOOO pretty! Who knew?! So what is my aversion towards red? Well first off I have red hair so I can't wear red. Second, red doesn't like to play nice with all colors. So there ya have it...
*whew* so much for keeping this short! Ha! It was pretty exciting though, right? :D
Ok well I still have NOT packed anything so I should probably go do that now.
See you soon!
xo Genea
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JMJ Creations
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