Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads) 2011 by Parigo Studios 2010

Monday, August 22, 2011


Hello friends!

Ok so it took me longer than I wanted to get this give-away going. I am totally blaming that on moving! Anyways, here we are FINALLY!  The awesome thing is that with the wait I also added some of my "Wing Ding" beads and some matching rubber o's from, My ELEMENTS! So let me refresh your memory of what it was. Remember these FABULOUS clay pendants I got from Cindy Buehler?
Yeah, f*ing awesome, right?! 
Ok so what is included in the give-away? 
You will receive: One of Cindy's scraffito pendants, 5 of my "Wing Ding" beads and 15 rubber o's from MY ELEMENTS. So what is the big deal with this give-away? Well Cindy wasn't sure if she was going to make more of these, but I think they are pretty incredible! So I thought if we do a give-away and you all LOVE them like I do, maybe we can get her to make more for us beaders!

So how do you win? Well here's what you have to do.... You have 5 chances to win. 1.Leave a comment below tell me what ideas you have for these beads(what you would create with them) or what you like about them. 2. Follow this blog. 3.Post this give-away on your blog. 4. Post this give-away on your Facebook. 5. Post this give-away on Twitter. 

PLEASE also leave your E-MAIL address in your post so it's easy for me to let you know you've won!
Just post from now(Monday, August 22nd) to Wednesday August 24 at midnight(pacific time) to enter to win!

Want to see what I made with mine? I had wanted to make a late b-day present for my MIL and just NOW got to creating it yesterday. Here is what I created!

Another close-up of Cindy's wonderful pendants!
Are you inspired?! Go on and enter!

Good luck!

xo Genea


Rebecca said...

Pretty! SHe should definitely carry on with those beauties. Please enter me! I will tweet and post on my blog. And i'm already a follower! So, I think that's 4 entries....fingers crossed! Thanks for this fab giveaway Genea.

Rebecca said...

Oh, and in case you don't get it automatically with this comment, my email is andersonrebecca at mac dot com

my twitter name is songbead x

Malin de Koning said...

1. Genea, I looove the colors and the different parts together. I actually think I would make something rather similar to your necklace. Boring? Yes maybe, but it is a super nice design! Why change a winning concept? The pendants are very pretty. And of course I love your Wing Ding beads. And colored o-rings.

Malin de Koning said...

2. I am a follower of your blog.

Malin de Koning said...

3. I have posted on my blog.

Malin de Koning said...

4. I have posted on Facebok.

Malin de Koning said...

5. I don't have a Twitter-account. But I am very sweet, and I love you, your beads and your jewelry loads! And I really deserve to win. Let's put it a different way: I NEED to win! :-)

Third Eye Gypsy said...

@Rebecca- I know, right?! They are sooo pretty! I told her maybe they would probably do better in the "beaders" market rather than the "clay" market ;) We all know what do create with them!

@Malin- Na, not boring ;) Thanks so much!

Barbara Bechtel said...

oooh, I love the boldness of these! very striking with the black and white..but would be excellent for adding a spot of color to your wardrobe with a black or white plain tee ....I'm thinking I would do something with some leather and make it really casual and fun!

Barbara Bechtel said...

I'm a follower!

Barbara Bechtel said...

and I posted it to my biz page on FB...

Barbara Bechtel said...

...which also feeds to my twitter feed. @2ndsurf :)

My Life Under the Bus said...

Oh yummy these are great- I love the carved look! I would totally pair mine with some brass and some mustard porcelin I've been hoarding - falls just around the corner!

My Life Under the Bus said...

Oh and I'm following!

Judy Riggs said...

I love free stuff! Especially when I've already decided that it would make an amazing necklace! Thanks for the great give-a-way!

My Life Under the Bus said...

Publishing to my facebook page!!/MyLifeUndertheBus

Christine said...

LOVE your necklace design!! I would make a necklace & use some of the wings & rubber o's to make a bracelet.
Great giveaway!!

Krys Mann said...

Really Beautiful, and love the wing dings with them and the o's. It would be perfect as a necklace...I see it with silver beads accenting and maybe some other boro beads I have in yellow with some great yellow chalcedony...Already a follower of you on the blog!!!

Unknown said...

I see making a beautiful fall necklace with these!

Noemi said...

I have used those rubber o's, so that would be interesting. The pendant and the bead' colours are very beautiful.

Noemi said...

I am a follower now. I can't believe I wasn't a follower already!

Kym Hunter Designs said...

I love these colors together and the pendant is wonderful! I have some seed beads that would go perfectly with this collection, in a lovely necklace.

Kym Hunter Designs said...

I'm also a follower of your blog. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Kym Hunter Designs said...

I just shared on my FB at

Kym Hunter Designs said...

I'm posting to my blog at

My email is

Mellisa said...

Very cheery combination! I'm not usually a big yellow fan but I think I'd embrace it by adding a sweet little porcelain bee :)

Christine said...

I'm a follower

Christine said...

I posted it on my blog:

Third Eye Gypsy said...

Thanks to all of you that have commented, shared, and given your kind words :) You all rock!! xo Genea

Sally Anderson said...

I'd love to win this, too! I have been a follower for a while. Does that still count?

Heidi Post said...

This is a great giveaway! I'm following you now :)

Heidi Post said...

And I facebooked about it (twice, apparently!)

Heidi Post said...

And I tweeted!!!!/expostfacto

Anonymous said...

Heck yeah Genea, I want in! Great set to make an awesome graphic necklace! Posted the link on my FB page. Thanks! H

Cilla said...

I would like to win these too. I would make a great necklace. If the pendant was smaller I would make a cute bracelet

Third Eye Gypsy said...

Yes, Sally, it still counts ;)

Thanks everyone! Good luck!

Cindy said...

Hello Genea - what an amazing give away! Cindy's work is gorgeous...just love the carved detail. The color combination is so outside my usual zone that it would be a fun challenge for me. I'd make a necklace with this set too.
I'm sorry - I thought I was already a Follower but found out I wasn't. So here I am, your newest blog Follower!

Leslie Todd said...

Wow! I like this grouping. The wing dings are cool. I'd make something with a butterfly theme to go with the flower/wing ding theme. lctodd at verizon dot net.

Leslie Todd said...

I love the wing dings. I would make something with a butterfly/flower/wing theme.

lctodd at verizon dot net

Leslie Todd said...

And I'm tweeting the giveaway @nostonunstrung.

Leslie Todd said...

And I'm following. lctodd at verizon dot net

Leslie Todd said...

Well, it's not letting me follow. I'll try back in a little while.

Third Eye Gypsy said...

@Cindy- Isn't it beautiful?! She is so talented! She does these amazing mugs, bowls etc and she is so nice! I thought you were as well since you posted comments before. Glad to have you officially following ;)

@Leslie- No worries. We will get it figured out. Sometimes Blogspot does funny things :\

somethingunique said...

I Have been away from blogging most of the summer....super busy summer anyways i came back just in time for this fabu giveaway thnaks ttfn Lana :)

somethingunique said...

p.s. i already follow :)

TesoriTrovati said...

Wow. Just love that pendant! That is so graphic and bold! I sense a bee theme coming on (I have this cute little bee from Chinook and some delightful flower shaped MOP dangles!). A necklace or a bracelet perhaps? With some kicky, swingy earrings too!
Enjoy the day!

TesoriTrovati said...

Oh, and I am a follower too!
Enjoy the day!

Lois Moon said...

Beautiful pendant. I would kumihimo with seed beads and pop in some of those wing dings. The pendant could attach to the kumihimo strap with the rubber washers and some ribbon.

Love it. Great giveaway!

Lois Moon said...

I'm following you!

Lois Moon said...

I Tweeted and am email enabled through my blogger profile.

Rosanne said...

You know I love your Wing Dings and I really love the yellow, black and white. That pendant is to die for!

Rosanne said...

I posted on FB yesterday.

Rosanne said...

I am now following your blog.

Prządka said...

Hello, I'm here a new. But I want say I'm following you :)

Prządka said...

And I would make a wonderful necklace with this wonderful clay pendant :)

Pretty Things said...

I follow all over, and I love all of it! Very cheerful and man would it be fun!

Third Eye Gypsy said...

Thank you all for your kind words and for your following and support. This give-away has been lots of fun! Still a little bit more time left! Be sure to tell your friends so they can get a crack at them as well ;)

xo Genea

Skye said...

wow what pretty pendants! I hope you can convince her to keep making them!

I think I'd make a necklace with them too, although instead of the ribbon, go with either a strand of black seed beads, or perhaps a rosary link chain with more black for half of it and those beads on the front half... hmm.. hard to decide!

Third Eye Gypsy said...

@Skye- AGREED! Especially since she has this new AMAZING turquoise glaze!

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