Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads) 2011 by Parigo Studios 2010

Monday, December 18, 2017

Come check out our LBA Designer Galleria Showcase, auction style at 6pm CST for the next 24 hours!

Hello beautiful souls,

Come grab some deals on our BRAND NEW JEWELRY AND BEADS auction style at our LBA Galleria show tonight at 6pm CST(24 hours only)!

We will have all of these gorgeous beads and jewelry for your shopping pleasures! Make it yourself with our stunning selection of handmade glass beads, and glass headpins, or pick up some already made jewelry and save yourself the work ;)

We can't wait to see you are our show!

Happiest Holidays!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

New Work- Tray and Jewelry- Group Only Sale

Hello beautiful souls,
I have some awesome: beads, glass headpins, and jewelry left from our local show. I have been feeling really inspired so I made up some bad ass jewelry! Yahoo! These new goodies will be available in our *special* Facebook Group for 3 days only!
Grab some new beads for your designs. The holidays are fast approaching and now is a great time for creating your handmade gifts this year.
 Have the holidays left you with not enough time to get things made? We've got you covered with these gorgeous designs!
We can't wait to see you there!
Love, light, and creativity,
xoxo Genea


Friday, December 1, 2017

Third Eye Gypsy *special* friends and family preview show TONIGHT, and then tomorrow from 10-6pm!

Hello beautiful souls,

I am super excited to be heading back to Bead Boutique for another show! We will be participating in a *special* friends and family preview this evening from 5-8pm, and then again tomorrow from 10-6pm. Tonight come on by to shop before the general public! They will be serving wine and light snacks. I will be doing my show on Saturday only as part of their Winter Showcase, but I will not have my things on display all month. You won't want to miss out on the new awesome beads, headpins, and jewelry I created. 

 You know the best thing about being a bead maker is that when you have an idea for a design you can create EXACTLY what you have in mind for a design. I had an idea to create these earrings using some gorgeous veiled cane glass, my "dabs" (little dabs of glass) mini headpins, and some wooly wire!
 Aren't they awesome?! 
 You can't have some bad ass earrings without a matching necklace, right?! I wanted to create something super simple, yet awesome. 

Yay! Don't you love it when you realize you took a photo when you thought you didn't?! I just had a chance to create a few more eye beads before the show so these lovelies will be coming with me. I SOLD OUT of them the last show, so I wanted to make sure I had a few more. 

 I still have lots of awesome beads so I will be bringing my things from the last show with me as well. The display will be a bit different, but I am working on that as we speak(nothing like working on that at the last minute)!! My past self would have died for sure being a perfectionist/planner. I sure am glad to be more free spirited. It's a lot less stressful for the most part. 
Well I must be off! I have some final table display tweaking and tags to create before tonight! I can't wait to see all of your smiling faces! I do hope some of you will be bringing me some "show-and-tell" with what you created from your beads you picked up from me at the last show :D 

See you soon!

Love, light, and creativity,

xoxo Genea

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads)20-25% OFF SALE For Black Friday- Cyber Monday!

Hello beautiful souls!

I am excited to announce our Black Friday- Cyber Monday sales. You can see the goodies we have available in this video clip from our recent show. 

Here's a taste of what we have in store! We have all you need for you and your gift making adventures. 

Black Friday - Cyber Monday Sales

We will be having our Black Friday Sale in our Third EyeGypsy(Genea Beads) group. All of the work from our show and shop will be available in the group only including: beads, wooly wire(from my special stash), sari silk, glass headpins, and loose spacer beads! Our Black Friday sale is 25% off of EVERYTHING! Details on purchase and payment will be posted in the group. The only things that will be left in the group for sale through the rest of the weekend are items that are not currently listed in my shop(which is A LOT of things).  My Etsy shop will be back open from Saturday- Cyber Monday with a 20% Sale(Saturday- Tuesday at Midnight CST). You may combine items from the group and the shop to be shipped together. So please contact me with those requests at your time of purchase. 

We can't wait to see you at our sales!  If you have any questions or need help please message us. 

Happiest Holidays, 

xoxo Genea

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Local Show Announcement and NEW glass beads and glass headpins!

Hello beautiful souls,

I am excited to announce that we will be doing a local bead show at "the friendliest little bead shop," Bead Boutique in Kansas City, Missouri. If you all remember I spent many years working for Bead Boutique under the original and new owners. I am SUPER EXCITED to make a guest appearance since not seeing my bead family since about 2006! I will be doing a show November 17-19th, and then again on December 2nd(friends and family evening showcase), and December 3rd!

I have been making beads like crazy the last 2 days, and have many more days in the studio up until the show cranking out as much awesome new work as I can before then. I did a facebook live to show off the new work here. I feel super weird being recorded, but at least you can see all the angles of the beads like you were here with me in my studio :)

The spiny heart I will leave as is and take it with me to the show. The other two I am sending to a friend for a special collaboration. More details on that later :D

 I had the idea to make a hamsa hand and did a few designs. The one on the left was the first, middle second, and far right 3rd. Sadly, the middle finger of the center bead cooled too slowly and the glass cracked :/ The eye bead will be going for the collab as well. I can't wait to make more of them. 
 Who doesn't love glass headpins? Yep, I know... so I made lots. They can make tiny little pendants, dangles, or earrings. 
Oooo so pretty!! I got some gorgeous color in these Om headpins.

Christian and I went to First Friday so I will be posting photos and a blog about that soon. It was freezing outside. I took a few photos of Christian and me while we were there. Here is one of them :D

Boys, all 4 of the photos I took he's making faces. Lol. Oh well, I look good in the photos, right?! ;)

I will be back soon. Lots of beads to make.

Love, light, and creativity,

xoxo Genea

Find me on the web:

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Day 4 of our Sacred Geometry Series Feathers! Our FINAL RELEASE of the whole series! Today's feature: Tree of Life, and Quattro Flower

Hello beautiful souls,

Excited about our NEW Sacred Geometry Series feathers ! Today is the FINAL 2 DESIGNS to complete the series of 8!!Today's feature is Tree of Life 🌳and Quattro Flower 🌸 ALL Available now $20 each + shipping. Feathers are 50mm long x 16mm, and are on 20", 1mm waxed cotton cords. You can keep up with our new series on our Instagram.  To grab these amazing necklaces send us a message on our Facebook page.

 Today's release is:  Quattro Flower in:yellow, lime, emerald, teal, and indigo, and Tree of Life in: lime, forest, and brown.

Oh so pretty!

Just like golden sunshine fading into the earth and sky.
 Totally digging these colors together.

Nice grounding greens and browns.

Get rooted with the tree of life.

The entire collection from left to right: Square Rose, Sri Yantra, Flower of Life, Golden Mean.

From left to right: Quattro Flower, Tree of Life, Metatron's Cube, Seed of Life. 

Wear the magic of the universe around your neck.  Featured necklace is 20" long.

Stay tuned for our next series: Labyrinth!

Love, light, and creativity,
xoxo Genea

Find us on the web here:

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Day 3 of our Sacred Geometry Series Feathers! Metatron's Cube, and Golden Mean

Hello beautiful souls,

I am SUPER excited to announce the release of our *NEW* Sacred Geometry series feathers. We will be releasing 2 NEW designs a day until the entire series of 8 is revealed(Tomorrow the last 2 designs of the series will be released)! You can keep up with our new series on our Instagram. Necklaces are $20 each+ shipping. Feathers are 50mm long x 16mm on 1mm, 20" black waxed cotton cord. To grab these amazing necklaces send us a message on our Facebook page.
 Today's release is: Metatron's Cube: magenta, violet, and ocean, a, and Golden Mean in:red, tangerine, and sunshine yellow.

 A little side shot of the 2 new releases. 

I love how the colors fade into one another :)

 I chose "galaxy colors" for the metatron's cube design since I like to do galaxy stuff with this design on my mixed-media work :)

Pretty, huh? This is 4x6 original mixed-media on watercolor paper is also available for purchase for $35 if anyone is interested :) 

I chose some nice firey colors for Golden Mean. 

Stay turned tomorrow for the last 2 designs to complete the Sacred Geometry Series!!

See you soon!

Love, light, and creativity,
xoxo Genea

Find us on the web here:

Friday, October 27, 2017

Day 2 of our Sacred Geometry Series Feathers!

Hello beautiful souls,

I am SUPER excited to announce the release of our *NEW* Sacred Geometry series feathers. We will be releasing 2 NEW designs a day until the entire series of 8 is revealed! You can keep up with our new series on our Instagram. Necklaces are $20 each+ shipping. Feathers are 50mm long x 16mm on 1mm, 20" black waxed cotton cord. To grab these amazing necklaces send us a message on our Facebook page.

 Today's release is: Seed of Life in: plum, violet, ocean, and teal, and Flower of Life in:red,  magenta, tangerine, and violet. 
 A little side shot of the 2 new releases.
Just look at all of that sparkle and luscious color! 
Mmmm I just love the way these colors fade into one another :D

Stay turned on Monday for the next 2 designs!!

See you soon!

Love, light, and creativity,
xoxo Genea

Find us on the web here:

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Brand NEW feather necklaces are HERE! Introducing our Sacred Geometry Series.

Hello beautiful souls,

I am SUPER excited to announce the release of our *NEW* Sacred Geometry series feathers. We will be releasing 2 NEW designs a day until the entire series of 8 is revealed! You can keep up with our new series on our Instagram. Necklaces are $20 each+ shipping. Feathers are 50mm long x 16mm on 1mm, 20" black waxed cotton cord. To grab these amazing necklaces send us a message on our Facebook page.

 Today's first sacred geometry release is Sri Yantra( yellow, orange, red, and plum), and Square Rose(pink, plum, and red). 
 Aren't they magnificent?!
 A close-up of square rose. 
 A close-up of sri yantra.
Here is how they look worn. My necklace is actually 17" in this photo so the 20" necklaces will hang lower. 

 There are some gorgeous "naked" feather designs here as well as some patterns.
From left to right: Yellow, orange, and red feather, orchid, pink, and orange feather, orchid, aqua, and lime feather, aqua, periwinkle and orchid feather with sacral chakra symbol, rainbow flower of life, and black and white flower of life. 
 Just look at how gorgeous these are! 

A shot to show the super sparkly glitter :D

You can read about the original feather designs and their origin here. 

We can't wait to get these around your neck!

See you soon!

Love, light, and, creativity,

xoxo Genea

Find us on the web here:

Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday, October 2, 2017

48 hour 25% OFF SALE and GIVEAWAY! Let's celebrate art!

Hello beautiful souls!
We're so excited about our new glittery feather necklaces we just HAD to do a 25% off SALE and a GIVEAWAY to celebrate! Sale is NOW- October 4th at midnight CST! Click this link to receive your 25% discount off in our Etsy shop. 

Here's how to win: Like, and share my posts on Facebook and Instagram, and tag 3 friends. For even MORE entries every $10 you spend will give you an extra entry! Art beads by: Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads), Starry Road Studio , Staci Louise Originals, and  Marsha Neal Studio .

Winner will be selected October 4th and packages will be shipped on October 10th when I return from my trip. 

So what exactly is in this goody bundle? I have a little glittery feather necklace in hues of: pink, coral, and orange on an 18" black cotton cord with spring ring clasp, some luscious wing ding beads in: lavender, hot pink, fuchsia, coral, and orange  with some gorgeous 2xab swarovski crystals, and a firey silver glass spiral stamped coin, and 3 yards of some gorgeous purple recycled sari silk. There are some gorgeous lavender discs from, Marsha Neal, beautiful gear discs in blushy pink and coral with speckles from, Karen Totten, and a super awesome crackle star focal in lavender and pink from Staci Louise! So much goodness all in one spot! 

Well I must be off lots of packing to do before we leave town for a few days to attend our regional burning man event, Resonance. 

Happy Shopping!

Love, light, and creativity,

xoxo Genea