Hello friends!
Lots of exciting things going on here.

On October 25, 2014, a star has fallen from heaven down to earth. My beautiful niece, Ayla Isadora Copeland was born at 1:37pm. She is a healthy 6 lb 13oz, 20 1/2" baby girl ♡ Finally our sweet baby girl is here for us all to enjoy. I took the photo only 2 short hours after her birth in my mom's arms. Isn't she a sweet little thing :)
I finally got back to my somewhat regular schedule of making beads. I tried a new spin on my batik style design and here is what I came up with. I wasn't sure if this was a "one hit wonder" or if I should continue making more. I had such an overwhelmingly positive response to them I SOLD OUT before even getting a chance to list them! I really wanted to get some more of these beads in the shop, so off to work I went cranking out more beads, but....
I ran into a few road blocks. Some of our glasses produce a muddy metallic sheen from being heated and cooled slowly in the kiln striking the glass. This color combo is no exception. Well I did my normal toilet bowl cleaner treatment to clean up the beads, but ran out of my old bottle. To my surprise they CHANGED THE FORMULA from 20% hydrogen chloride to 10%. ACK! In this photo from left to right you can see the difference in each bead and headpin. The far left is untreated, middle is the new 10% hydrogen chloride(still a slight metallic sheen), and the 20% hydrogen chloride from my older bottle(very clean look with no metallic sheen). Well shit!
So I went to my trust glass collective, The International Society of Glass Beadmakers for some help. I started a thread on their facebook page and got a wealth of other techniques to clean off the metallics. So much, that I will be posting a blog about all of these other great techniques!
Here is my series of, "Tanzanite and Sky Silver Thread Batiks". Pretty schnazzy huh?!
Here's a closer look at the new pretties in the shop!
Like my *fancy* photo collages? Learn how to use Pic Monkey with my video tutorial here.
Well I must be off! Lots of beads to tie, and pack up before heading out to spend some time in the sweet sunshine. It's supposed to be 67 today!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by!
xo Genea
I am jealous of your weather. We have hit our 'grey' season where we get a lot of rain.
And definitely not a one hit wonder. I love the new beads!
Shaiha, Don't be jealous, the cold days are just around the corner for us ;) We will be experiencing highs of 38 and lows of 22. Brrr!
Thanks so much! I have just a few left so looks like they were a BIG hit ;)
Thanks for stopping by!
xo Genea
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