Third Eye Gypsy(Genea Beads) 2011 by Parigo Studios 2010

Monday, April 6, 2015

Vet for Leeloo 20% Off Sale.

Hello Friends,
My dear sweet Leeloo (my 9 year old  female Australian Shepherdon the right) gave Ricky and me a frightful scare today. Her head started to twitch and she began circling. Her eyes bounced back and forth like she was dizzy. We had her lay down,  pet her to comfort her, and waited for this strange behavior to subside. Within a few minutes it stopped, but we were pretty freaked out. At first I thought maybe she had a seizure. I got online and began researching her symptoms and came across this article on Vestibular Disease. After reading this article her symptoms fit all of the ones described. We are super worried about her and will need to get her into the vet asap. 
To help pay for these costs I will be offering a 20% off sale in both of my shops from now through Wednesday at Midnight(April 6-8 Midnight CST). Use the code "vet4leeloo" at check out to receive your discount in our Bead Shop and our Jewelry Shop. 

If you have a moment to send her your healing thoughts and prayers we would be very grateful. I would also be greatful if any of you have any wisdom to share about this disease and treatments.

xo Genea


Third Eye Gypsy said...

Leeloo has been diagnosed with having seizures. They will only begin medication if she has 3 or more seizures a month. We are keeping an eye on her and hope that she remains under the limit so that we don't have to put her on medication. If we get to that point(which we hope not to) we will seek our herbs first and then medication second ;)
We want to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us with your: sales, encouragement, and prayers for Leeloo. xoxo From our family <3

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